Friday, October 14, 2016

Week 4 Accomplishments

      For most of this week, my goals were to start developing the app, and for the most part, I stuck to that. I feel like I made significant progress with the Android app, though I still have a few things to work out, but I did not really have a lot of time to spend on learning more Swift. I tried going into the lab one night, but nothing was really clicking for me so I just decided I would try again later. I feel fairly confident that I will be able to complete the Android app by the end of the semester, but the Swift app is still in question as far as if it will get finished.

       With the Android app, I continued to work on setting up a navigation tab and making sure that the pages could be accessed through the navigation drawer at all times. I also learned how to create the elements on the page through programming rather than just creating the elements in the layout. I want to eventually have a JSON call to the database to return the list of traditions with thumbnails for them, so I figured out this week how to generate the table rows and put the images and text boxes into the table rows if those items already exist in Android Studio. It is not quite what I will need to do, but it is a good start I think.

       One thing I am still trying to figure out is how I am going to create the pages from the buttons on the home screen. Right now, the buttons are just for show, but I want to eventually be able to go from the home screen to some of the pages through those buttons. But I will probably have to change the set up of my program first because of how I have the classes laid out currently.

       I am going to continue working on testing this weekend and hopefully have a chance to try some more Swift, but it is fall break and I have quite a few other things to do as well, so we'll see. But until next week, here are some images of what I have so far for the app. I currently have the app in a dark theme, but I am planning on changing it eventually to a light theme because I think that will look better.

The initial screen
The initial screen with the
navigation bar
The tradition list screen in
the middle of the list to show
that it is scrollable

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